Webinar to Launch the IDRC Research Project With Senegal and Mali Research Project Supported by UCAD

Professor Céline Castets-Renard was invited to the Webinar launching an IDRC research project with Senegal and Mali. This research project proposes a COVID-19 epidemiological modeling based on a socio-anthropological context in Senegal and Mali and also addresses the issue of adaptability and social acceptability of AI technologies and sanitary control measures in respects to ethics and human rights. The overall objective of this multidisciplinary research proposed by a consortium led by Cheikh Anta Diop of the University in Senegal, is to build capacity, raise awareness of governments and civil society in Africa, and help them be more effective in their fight against pandemics by mobilizing data science and AI that are ethical, responsible, and adapted to African socio-cultural contexts, integrating gender and vulnerable groups.

This content has been updated on 16 April 2021 at 20 h 02 min.

